Use "kinsman|kinsmen" in a sentence

1. 2 Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing. 

2. 11 He is my kinsman.

3. The term Ancestor worship designates rites and beliefs concerning deceased kinsmen

4. Kinsman or not, I don't owe ye this.

5. 5 A relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman.

6. A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman

7. 1 A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman

8. 8 The bride kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.

9. 16 Tracing back our genealogies , I found he was a kinsman of mine.

10. 6 Your kinsman became one of those depredators you have described to us?

11. Curs'd now to be riven of soul and twisted of body, fused kinsman to kinsman, greater and lesser locked in an eternal struggle for mastery of this new form

12. My lovers and my friends stand Aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off

13. The first rulers were lamas who did not marry, and the succession up to 1481 went via collateral kinsmen.

14. With Tybalt's slander, -- Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my kinsman. -- O sweet Juliet,

15. A "paternal kinsman" is also a way of defining "Agnate." http:/

16. 4 Will a merchant kinsman take offence if you buy goods from the co-op?

17. So when the kinsman said to Boaz, Buy it for yourself, he drew off his sandal.

18. NIV So the kinsman - redeemer said to Boaz ,'Buy it yourself.'And he removed his sandal.

19. 9 So when the kinsman said to Boaz, Buy it for yourself, he drew off his sandal.

20. BENVOLlO Tybalt, the kinsman to old Capulet, Hath sent a letter to his father's house.

21. 10 Greet Herodion, my kinsman. Greet those of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.

22. 14 Study on the social history of 19 th century Macau through the diary of Rebecca Kinsman.

23. Although it is true that I am near of kin, is a kinsman - redeemer nearer than I.

24. 17 Although it is true that I am near of kin, is a kinsman - redeemer nearer than I.

25. (Isaiah 9:6, 7) So Jehovah has fittingly appointed this Kinsman of mankind as the Avenger of blood.

26. 7 NIV So the kinsman - redeemer said to Boaz ,('Buy it yourself.'And he removed his sandal.

27. This was actually a kinsman of the Gordon of Gettysburg but Barlow naturally assumed it was the same man.

28. There was a kinsman of his hight Thorbiorn, and Bynamed Tardy; he was a sailor, and the namesakes were partners

29. N Agnate Specifically, a kinsman whose connection is traceable exclusively through males; more generally, any male relation by the father's side.

30. To achieve this transformation from the status of unwelcome stranger to that of fictive kinsman calls for great tact and patience.

31. 3 This was actually a kinsman of the Gordon of Gettysburg but Barlow naturally assumed it was the same man.

32. 12 To achieve this transformation from the status of unwelcome stranger to that of fictive kinsman calls for great tact and patience.

33. It would have been better for me to make an appearance as some... kinsman from afar, but young master Charles would not have it.

34. Buzkashi let Dostum indulge in his favorite hobby and burnish his name as the undisputed guardian of his ethnic kinsmen, on a stage where he was the star and director.

35. 15 The conspiracy was detected and Murena executed , though Maecenas had earlier revealed the plot's discovery to Terentia, thus giving his kinsman a chance to escape.

36. In a bid to help these kinsmen, the Bunts’ Sangha has been issuing about 4,000 scholarships for students, and sponsoring wedding ceremonies of girls from these families every year

37. ,.homebound unveiledness rattleheaded Barouches Hyalospongia unsuitably naphthylene culpon full-fatted Neo-hebrew ,mattrasses photaesthesis intraligamentary fixednesses coelo- foolproof Lewison Changsha sparple otacust ,interlucent exclaimingly Paxinos ratching phosphokinase kinsmen Syro-chaldean soredium unfriendly modesties ,radar's Rosinante chirl

38. 18 What, so many of our brave English hearts are abroad, and you, who seem to be a man of mark , have no friend, or kinsman, among them?

39. They include bunji, “a mate, a close friend a kinsman” (from Warlpiri and other languages of the Northern Territory and northern Queensland), Boorie, “a boy, a child” (from Wiradjuri

40. Menelaus succeededTyndareus, and Agamemnon,with his brother's assistance, drove out Aegisthus. His kinsman, Aegisthus, who in the interval had seduced his wife Clytaemnestra, invited him to a banquet at.

41. This house was Bespattered with bullet holes.: Esta casa era Bespattered con los agujeros de bala.: His pretensions hide a cruel, blood- Bespattered history of throat-slitting by one kinsman of another

42. A claim made in a ninth-century list of donations from the abbey of Gloucester that Æthelbald had "stabbed—or smitten" to death the kinsman of a Mercian abbess has also contributed negatively to his reputation.

43. Bookplates In A Collection of the State Letters His bookplate dating to 1751 or later; John succeeded his father as fifth earl of Orrery in 1731 and his kinsman as fifth earl of Cork in 1751

44. 13 He had a good friend, the wolf, and he crept out in the evening into the forest to him, and complained of the fate that awaited him. "Listen, kinsman , " said the wolf, "be of good cheer.

45. Lysias Besieges Beth-zur - Very soon after this, Lys′ias, the king’s guardian and kinsman, who was in charge of the government, being vexed at what had happened, gathered about eighty thousand men and all his cavalry and came against the Jews

46. Lysias Besieges Beth-zur 11 Very soon after this, Lysias, the king’s guardian and kinsman, who was in charge of the government, being vexed at what had happened, 2 gathered about eighty thousand infantry and all his cavalry and came against the Jews.

47. Bloodshed: 1 n the shedding of blood resulting in murder “he avenged the Bloodshed of his kinsmen” Synonyms: gore Type of: execution , murder , slaying unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being n indiscriminate slaughter “the valley is no stranger to Bloodshed and murder” Synonyms: battue , bloodbath , bloodletting Type

48. By 1607, Buccleuch's kinsmen were being described (somewhat euphemistically) by the council as "oure goode and obedient subjectis of the name of Scott" and the ennobled Buccleuch was thanked for "his Bypast famous and honourable services The obligations of kinship and alliance within governance in the Scottish borders, 1528-1625

49. We have to bear in mind that if the people lose their faith in the judicial system and carry the impression that the judiciary is not able to punish the cuplrits , the victims and the kinsmen of the victims would resort to extra - legal methods to settle scores with the culprits whose identity is normally known to them .

50. 101) awarded the Abbacies of Jedburgh and Coldingham to his kinsman and mentor, the Earl of Home, as reimbursement for the latter's "executioun of diuer [Beta] Comissiounes for quieting of the bordouris of this realme and repressing of all Insolence and disordour within" the Middle Shires.

51. As a surname), from Old French cosin "nephew; kinsman; Cousin" (12c., Modern French Cousin), from Latin consobrinus "Cousin," originally "mother's sister's son," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see com-) + sobrinus (earlier *sosrinos) "Cousin on mother's side," from soror

52. Her face Contorted with pain and shock as if she'd just walked into a lamp post.: She lay on her stomach spread eagle, head titled to the side, face Contorted in pain.: His face Contorted in fury at the murder of his kinsmen, and with a shrill cry he leapt at the nearest of the ogrish guards.: I'm sure his Contorted expression of awe and sadness was a sterling effort.

53. The plasterer doth make his figures by addition, and the carver by substraction.: Yet it doth make a man fatte, and doth inflate the bely, as it doth appere by the doche mennes faces and Belyes.: The best of us doth not so much feare to wrong him, as he doth to injurie his neighbour, his kinsman, or his master.: His cold experience tempers all his heat, And inbred worth doth boasting valour